Staff Blog

What is the Bible


Human and Divine Literature   “God works with his human partners in and through the Spirit, not to override or diminish human agency but to empower his people to become vehicles of God’s heavenly life here on Earth” The Bible is neither a collection of golden tablets dropped from heaven, nor the work of human…

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Hard Hearts


Eyes that will not see, Ears that will not hear. “I see what I want to see. And hear what I want to hear.”   It’s all too true of mankind. We’re too often, locked in one’s mind, “I’ve already made up my mind! Faith? Why I’d rather fly blind!”   Are “the open-minded” Even…

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Words sent out on the morning wind, Headed downwind? A tailwind? Or trapped in a swirling whirlwind? Going nowhere in a headwind? My words, like seeds in the wind? Fertile ground, will they find? Where will they land, These seeds from my hand? The hard, crusty path? Oh, the aftermath… In stout weeds and thorns?…

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Why we believe the Bible


God’s Word We believe that God’s Word—which we call the Bible—is the lens that explains how the world works. It’s the primary way God has chosen to communicate with people about who He is, who we are, and what His plan is for the world. At its core, it’s actually a love story about how…

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Prepare to live in His Larger Story. Not surprised when suffering howls in the fray. The Larger Story climaxes with joy, With some tasty hors d’oeuvres along the way.   Accept the call of the Narrow Way Live to fight for a better love! Enjoy the privilege of putting Jesus on display In the way…

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Embrace Christ


The point of the first four embraces? Leads all of me to His great graces!   “This treasure in earthen vessels, This treasure buried in the field, The oyster’s pearl of great price, All else is but rubbish.” I kneel.   God’s grand story, where I’m included… His Story to tell, His character to reflect,…

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