Staff Blog

The Initiating Love of God


Owen asked, “Why do they call Good Friday, ‘Good Friday’ if that’s when they killed Jesus?” That’s a great question. That’s not a 5-year-old question. He’s a genius! Let me tell you my favorite thing about Good Friday. My favorite thing about Good Friday is that God publicly, efficiently, and for all time outed me.…

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What a beauty is she, from her bud to full bloom, The petals unfolding are as soft as a plume. The richest, deep scarlet stuns and mesmerizes. Gazing at her glory, beauty energizes.   What a beauty is she, deep in her redeemed heart. Her eyes invite you in, with her, to be a part.…

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BE a blessing


Sometimes I find that I can be really self-centered. One of the best ways to get my eyes off myself, is to think of how I can be a blessing to someone else. Here are a few ideas, along that particular thread: 1. Pray for them. 2. Send a text of encouragement or a scripture.…

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Book of Galatians


Why does temptation seem so compulsive? How can sin become so addictive? How do I battle this God-awful scourge? It’s something I just can’t seem to purge!   My Spirit will expose your inner corruption That drives you, beneath your outward compulsions. If your highest purpose is to feel better, That corruption will lock you…

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Book of 1 Corinthians


When life is filled with relational drama, And plenty of bouts of personal trauma, What drives the spewing of petty criticizing, The hatred, vitriol, and demonizing?   “Knowledge puffs up,” the apostle did say, Like a weapon unleashed in the furious fray, Playing the “expert,” the one “in the know,” The sharp arrows of pride…

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Who is our God, Jehovah?


We introduced a new song last week called Jehovah, that helps us to see God’s amazing faithfulness to us through the different ‘names’ He has been given throughout the Old Testament. It’s worth just a minute to review and think about the ways that the Lord has revealed Himself to us! Jehovah Nissi: The LORD…

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