Staff Blog
Palm Sunday at Kids Church!
Boys and girls, between first and fifth grade, file in excitedly as curiosity is in the air. Why the palm branches? Why lay them down before Jesus? Why the atmosphere of celebration? What’s praise and how do I do it? It’s Palm Sunday at PCI Kids Church and we, the teachers, are revved up to help…
Read MoreTwo Favorite Prayers Before Bedtime
Truth be told– I used to pray and not really remember what I said or if I said it right. I was just talking to myself. But as I learn more, I find that God hears everything I think too! If God knows our thoughts, why not invite Him into prayer with us? He is…
Read MoreLeadership Musts
As we are coming toward the end of the second year of our Northstar Leadership Training, I have compiled a list of things I must do for the people that God has seen fit to have me in their lives as a leader: I must CARE for them (Communication, Affirmation, Recognition, and Example) I must…
Read MoreLongings of the Heart: God’s Love
Ephesians 3:17-19 If you listen closely to your heart, you’ll hear yearnings for love. We yearn for a kind of love that loves us as we are (with our weaknesses), but sees the person we could become. We yearn for a kind of love that is strong enough to “secure” us but won’t let us…
Read MoreBrush with Death
Okay, so maybe going under general anesthetic for a simple shoulder surgery isn’t really statistically all that dangerous. Still, after having been through surgery before, I’ve learned two things: First, I don’t like the feeling of going under. I feel like I’m going unwillingly into a bad dream…shudder. Second, I tend to fixate several days…
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