Staff Blog

Difficult People


I chatted with a dear friend of mine who lost his wife of many years, and is in the middle of awful grief. As if that is not hard enough, a few extended family members are criticizing him for how he handled his wife’s end of life days. They are bitter. They don’t remember the…

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Shame Defeated


Psalms 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. After scanning through Genesis again, I am amazed at the messes we humans make. These messes come in all shapes and sizes. Here are a few you can find in Genesis. Looking out for #1, Resentment and bitterness, Blame-shift,…

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What in the world?!?


There is a lot going on in our world today. It seems like we are seeing more and more sadness, more and more pain, and more suffering than ever before. It’s enough for your heart to break. Growing up, I always thought I was clever when someone asked me if I memorized any Bible verses…

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A Kids Journey Into WorldViews


Kids are born for the purpose of loving God and loving people, just like us (adults).   Kids have a purity and clear heart that Jesus sees and He even recommends that our hearts must become like a child to enter into the kingdom of God.   It is us the adults, our culture and media that…

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Practicing the Presence


Many of you have probably at least heard of “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence.  Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk who lived in the early 1600’s.  He spent 30 years as a kitchen helper and cook for his order, but became widely known, even by his local cardinal, for the…

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Things I Want


June 7, 2016 What I’ve been reminded of, lately: I want to be more bothered by my selfishness than my unhappiness. I want to be more joyous over another’s good fortune than my own. I want my occasional bouts with emptiness to drive a greater hunger for what only God can fill. I want to…

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