Staff Blog

Be it therefore RESOLVED…


With New Year quickly approaching, I have already been asked by several people about my goals and resolutions for this coming year.  It’s a funny part of our culture, that many feel obligated to make resolutions to: do better, do more, diet more effectively, or just set some goals that are likely to be missed…

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Opened boxes, ribbons, cards and crinkled wrappings, Christmas lights and candles, the tree in its trappings. Some cool gifts, some funny, we, grateful receivers, Meaningful gifts, heartfelt, joys of being givers.   Away in a manger. What?! No room for a bed?!?! Plunged into the darkness, the spiritually dead. A very pregnant gal, not one…

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Christmas Lights


All around was darkness, the night in full array. But piercing through the night, Christmas lights on display,   Lights that shimmered and shined from far, far, far away. Driving through neighborhoods, Christmas lights on display.   Red lights in window panes, white lights hanging on eaves, Sparkled lights, Christmas trees, blinking lights on green…

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It seems like as soon as Thanksgiving is over and packed away, all eyes are on Christmas!  And for good reason.  Most of us have wonderful memories and experiences that we look forward to, during this “most wonderful time of the year!”  I know that for me, watching my kids tear into a gift that…

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Spiritual Formation


Every person, at some point in life, must decide whether to receive Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior. But that is just the starting point of a lifelong journey in discipleship as a follower of Jesus. As the apostle Paul says, we are to grow mature in Christ. We grow up into the…

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Book of Philippians


The world gives “happiness” that is like cut flowers, “Happy for a while, but wilted within hours. But the joy that You plant, like seeds in the ground. Gardens will come! Beauty enjoyed, all year ’round!   “Happy” and joy, like oranges and apples, “Happy,” that for which everyone grapples, While joy, like an anchor,…

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