Staff Blog

Everybody Deserves To Have A Friend


      Everybody deserves to have a friend.  Friends are a huge part of going back to school.   I remember that it was really fun to reconnect with good friends, meet new friends and oh yes to find out who is in my class who I am sitting next to.  These social elements at…

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Poem: The Inheritance


THE INHERITANCE   August 1, 2017   A poor, elderly couple sat in the office Of a middle aged attorney’s legal practice. The reading of the will, as they sat in posh chairs, A filthy-rich man just made them millionaires!   The lawyer had known the deceased for many years, Whose passing brought the lawyer…

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TWO FISHERMEN   July 6, 2017   A small boat glides into my still and quiet cove, Two young teens, hoping to add to their fishing trove. Baited fishing hooks and lures hang from a pole, It’s quiet, the hunt begins, they are on patrol.   The fish sees nothing of lures and hooks, rods…

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Words of Wisdom for my Daughter


This past Sunday I listed out 20 “words of wisdom” for my daughter Charlotte. I wrote these with the idea of Solomon writing Proverbs for his son and thought it would be a fun exercise. A few people after service asked if I would share that list with them. So here it is: Charlotte: Pay…

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“June ‘Gloom'”


Last week, I sat on our back patio at sunrise, sitting in the midst of June gloom. As Californians, June gloom means “the fog rolled in off the coast.” But more, I was struck by the term, “gloom.” I then wrote this poem… JUNE GLOOM   The fog rolls in off the coast, our Pacific…

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How Much Can Kids REALLY Understand About Easter?


How much about Easter can kids REALLY understand?  Does the story of Easter frighten or confuse younger children?  These are a couple of questions parents may have.  Here is some insight to the levels of understanding about Easter to the different age groups of kids per: LifeWay|Kids: Younger Pre-School – 2yrs old – Jesus did…

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