Staff Blog

Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Child


The Bible  talks about the power of our prayers in James 5:13-16. “…Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven… The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” These…

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DISCOURAGEMENT August 10, 2020   It’s not circumstances that bring discouragement, Nor negative people, nor disillusionment. Then what is happening that puts me in the mopes? A mistake hard to see: trusting in misplaced hopes!   FALSE hopes that start out well but in the end? They sting! FLEETING hopes only last until the birds…

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What to do in frustrating times


Are you frustrated right now?  Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve found myself with a significant lack of motivation over the last several months, and it seems to be getting worse.  I’m more tired than usual, less motivated, less interested, and just…less.  You know, I think this pandemic is messing with me.  I think the…

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Writing the Bible Ten Verses at a Time


I loved when I had the opportunity to go through the North Star Training Program with our church, it was a really great learning experience. One of the highlights was reading through the Bible really quickly, it really helped to see the overarching story of the Bible, from the onset of sin, to it’s defeat…

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July 4, Independence Day


For 25 years I have led about 120 2nd graders in a patriotic program. The kids learn and sing 10 patriotic songs, and I teach them the stories behind the songs. After our show two years ago I wrote this poem. REFLECTIONS AFTER THE SECOND GRADE PATRIOTIC PROGRAM November 8, 2018   One hundred and…

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A Moment of My Time


“I’ve always had a bit of argument in me.”  Hmm, that might be understating it a bit.  “I like to debate topics with people, even if we don’t agree.” Okay, that’s not quite right either.  “I like to be right and have everyone know that I’m right.” Okay, that’s closer, but it doesn’t sound very…

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