Staff Blog

Saved TO…


Saved TO   October 6, 2020   Saved, to lasting companionship, Saved, to heart-filling, deep friendship.   Saved, to rejoice that sins are gone, Saved, to every day’s light of dawn.   Saved, to relish past wise choices, Saved, to praising with new voices.   Saved, to relational freshness, Saved, to joys of people’s richness.…

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Christian Worldview – Sanctity of Life


I have witnessed the wonder of childbirth. As a caring husband and expectant father, I stood at my wife’s side to encourage her as she gave birth to each of our three children. At our third child’s birth, the medical team even allowed me to snip the umbilical cord. I still get emotional when I…

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Knowing God


I’ve been reading the book Knowing God bu J.I. Packer and really been enjoying it. He lists out five core truths about the knowledge of God that Christians have. God has spoken to man, and the Bible is His Word, given to us to make us wise unto salvation. God is Lord and King over…

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SIX ACHES OF THE SOUL   September 6, 2020   A frustrating world, the first kind of ache, Earthquakes, annoyances, and another headache. Would we turn to God if this world was ideal? The God of redemption is found in life’s ordeal!   The pain of bad choices, the second kind of ache, Consequences felt…

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Do The Next Thing


This week I was encouraged and strengthened by an old poem. Elisabeth Elliot is the incredible missionary who continued to serve the Amazon tribal people after those very ones murdered her husband. She remained on the mission field with her little girl for many years, persevering through pain to not only serve her Savior, but…

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Embracing the Thorns


I’ve had some interesting quiet times with God over the last several weeks.  I have to say that I’m actually a pretty big fan of when everything is going well in my life:  Financial problems seem minimal…relatively speaking. Things are going well at work.  People are complementary when they are reviewing my work product or…

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