Staff Blog



All too often you hear, “What’s in it for ME?” That question daily hums inside you and ME. Even in serving, “I hope someone noticed ME.” Even in giving, it can still be about ME. One of the lies begun in Eden’s garden, “Look out for yourself, look out for number one.” Now we’re curved…

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Am I Dr. Jekyll OR Mr. Hyde? Or am I Dr. Jekyll AND Mr. Hyde? Sometimes with God, it seems I’ve come quite far, Other times, farther to go than ever before.   When I was only five and played t-ball, Baseball was easy! Just hit the sitting ball! But by ten can you hit…

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The Sin of Entitlement


Giving to people is no easy chore. When they disagree, they are out the door. When self is supreme, people feel entitled, “Micro-aggressions!” Hurt feelings unbridled.   Some express gratitude, oh so greatly. Others? “So, what have you done for me lately?” Picky, nit-picky and oh so prickly, Opinions of you can change oh so…

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King, Priest, and Sacrifice.


In the Old Testament, the people were ruled by a King, and in order for the people to have atonement for their sin, they needed an animal sacrifice and a priest. At the cross, Jesus is revealed as all 3 of these things, king, priest and the sacrificial lamb. Pilate made a sign and posted…

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The Initiating Love of God


Owen asked, “Why do they call Good Friday, ‘Good Friday’ if that’s when they killed Jesus?” That’s a great question. That’s not a 5-year-old question. He’s a genius! Let me tell you my favorite thing about Good Friday. My favorite thing about Good Friday is that God publicly, efficiently, and for all time outed me.…

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What a beauty is she, from her bud to full bloom, The petals unfolding are as soft as a plume. The richest, deep scarlet stuns and mesmerizes. Gazing at her glory, beauty energizes.   What a beauty is she, deep in her redeemed heart. Her eyes invite you in, with her, to be a part.…

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