Staff Blog
Her life’s outer story was forged in tragic pain, Fueled by self-protection and what crumbs she can gain. “Why would I turn to God? Where was He years ago? I can protect my heart! Him? No desire to know.” What happens to a heart, when God we turn away? The Maker of our heart, from…
The soldier loved gambling, the rolling of the dice, Breaks up monotony, though a fool’s paradise. “A God-forsaken land, a thousand miles from home, At discharge will I have post-traumatic syndrome?” Punishment here, severe, death for two lousy thieves, Was the third one sentenced for just what he believes? Cruel justice meted out, on this…
Read MorePower of Gratitude
We all face struggles in our lives. Sometimes when we look at what makes us struggle it doesn’t even make sense. A rude driver cuts us off, someone jumps in a line in front of us, a friend gives us that “annoyed” look and our mind explodes with a response that, if we give it…
Read MoreMy Friend, An Atheist
A good friend shared with me that he’s an atheist, What philosophers call a materialist. He believes what only science and data prove. Anything else? He refuses to be moved. What he can’t explain is, why is “something missing,” That there’s much more to life, things like love and kissing, Human rights and freedom,…
Read MoreNew Year’s Resolution???
“I met the enemy,” Pogo said. “It is I.” It seems I’m two people, both the good and bad “I.” The good I want to do? I slough off guiltily. The bad I shouldn’t do? “Justified,” willfully! My needs, my “self,” my plan, to these, stiff-necked, I cling. Easily “offended,” my feelings act like…
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