Life Vision Statement: Into Our Spheres of Influence – pt. 1
Our life is “pregnant with purpose,” as one of my friends used to say. It is our influence that makes a difference with some people. This week, we’ll look at how that can happen in our work world. While we work hard, we also have our eyes on how we can be an influence for…
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: God’s Man or Woman
The Bible tells us we are like ambassadors. U.S. ambassadors speak on behalf of our country and president. Paul tells us we are ambassadors for God. This relieves any self-imposed fear and should give us confidence as we speak and share with the people God puts in our lives!
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: Step Forward – pt. 2
We step forward into God’s game of life. In stepping forward, we choose to follow God’s blueprints for life. We cannot become weary in doing good. We must face the monster of discouragement. With His strength, we become whole-hearted in our devotion, single-minded in our actions, and build a fighting spirit that will enable us to…
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: Step Forward – pt. 1
Christianity is not lived out in the classroom, nor is it lived out in your cozy living room. Christianity is lived out as we step out in serving God and sharing His message. We are “great” at making excuses that allow us to make Christianity about ourselves. Good luck with that! No one plays God’s game…
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: By God’s Grace – pt. 2
Last week we looked at what I’m calling grace #1: God’s lavish acceptance of us when we come to Him in repentance. Amazingly, He adds us to His team in this world! We will add to that, what I’m calling grace #2: God’s mighty power to walk us through anxiety, trials, and suffering. The end…
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: By God’s Grace – pt.1
Our lives are guided by our vision…our plan for the future. This year, we would like you to explore and consider a live vision statement that says we will “By God’s grace, step forward as God’s man or woman, in my spheres of influence, to serve His purposes, for His glory.” It begins with God’s grace,…
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