Life Vision Statement: For His Glory – pt. 2
By God’s grace, to step forward as God’s man or woman, in my spheres of influence, to serve His purposes for His glory. Serving His purposes for His glory includes making a kingdom difference through money. God doesn’t need our money, but he wants our hearts and the two are tied together.
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: For His Glory – pt. 1
As we complete our review of our Life Vision Statement, we conclude with doing all things for the Glory of God!” Why should we strive to glorify God? It has a lot to do with who He is and all the He has done for us.
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: To Serve His Purposes – pt. 2
Our life matters! Jesus wants to use our lives to serve His redemptive purposes in the people He has placed around us. Sometimes it’s as simple as letting God’s light shine through us. Other time, it takes a more direct approach of putting Jesus on display in our lives in our relationships with others.
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: To Serve His Purposes – pt. 1
We are called to serve God’s purpose of redeeming human brokenness and depravity and transforming people into people who find real life when God is central in their lives. God’s redemptive purpose is the central story line of life.
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: Into Our Spheres of Influence – pt. 3
We continue in stepping forward, as God’s man or woman, in my spheres of influence…looking at making a difference in your church. The church is not just an ordinary affinity group. It is the bride of Christ, and is has special purposes within our community, our neighborhoods, and our own spiritual growth.
Read MoreLife Vision Statement: Into Our Spheres of Influence – pt. 2
We continue to “step into our spheres of influence,” this week with the people in our “community.” This group of people is much more than your neighbors. It’s important to focus on how influence happens and give you many ideas that will spur YOU on as to what YOU can do with the people in…
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