Sermon: Working for the Lord
This week, we’ll look at the workplace, through the lenses of Paul’s words to masters and slaves. More on work, tomorrow. As to slavery, the bible, at no point, ever endorses slavery as a divine ordinance in the same way as marriage, the family, the Sabbath, or government. Also, slavery is not pleasing to God. No…
Read MoreSermon: Snippets on the Family
We all have duties in life. Husbands, wives, even children. This week looks at the different duties we have, and how they relate to one another. This week’s verses are very short instructions for marriage and parenting. We will look at what Paul says in Colossians.
Read MoreSermon: Growing in Christ
Colossians 1 and 2 describe Christ as the Object of our faith. Colossians 3 has a lot to say about our vision and our values. Colossians 3:1 “In view of the fact, therefore, that you were raised with Christ, the things above be constantly seeking, where Christ is, on the right hand of God, seated.”
Read MoreSermon: God’s Solution to the Human Nature Problem
The Colossians were being “promised the moon” of spiritual growth by the false teachers in Colossae. What Christian doesn’t want an easier spirituality? A deeper “experience” of God? To be freer of the frustrating battles against temptation? Of course we wish all these were true.
Read MoreSermon: Christ in You, The Hope of Glory
Paul is countering the false teachers that were plaguing the believers at Colossae. It’s not enough to just teach the truth to them. He must also counter their teaching with the signs or godly effects of his teaching and ministry, helping to add credibility to his teaching. We would say, “the proof of the pudding…
Read MoreSermon: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ
Paul begins a section of scripture that is a magnificent description of Christ. Ever since the resurrection of Christ, the divinity of Christ has been the essence of His identity. Paul says that Christ is the “image” of the invisible God. “Image” is the Greek word “eikon.” “Eikon has two usages. The first means an…
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