Sermon: Sewing Seeds, Growing Gardens; Serving
We are to be engaged with lost people, seeking to lead them to the Lord for salvation. Caring for others, building relationships, acting with kindness, and making and keeping friends. Serving God and serving people begins with a right attitude about serving. All too often serving becomes about us.
Read MoreSermon: Sowing Seeds, Growing Gardens; Friends
Jesus gave what we call the Great Commission to the all the disciples, collectively. Certainly, each of us bears responsibility to reach lost people and help them grow as disciples. In our western culture, I wonder how often we immediately think of reaching out to our friends as a solely individual endeavor.
Read MoreSermon: Sowing Seeds, Growing Gardens; Kindness is a Verb
In our series theme: Sowing Seeds, Growing Gardens. We are looking at how to reach out to lost people, those who don’t yet know Christ. We looked at the importance of simple care for people and simple words. This week we’ll look at practical kindness.
Read MoreSermon: Sowing Seeds, Growing Gardens: People are People, Words are Words
Have you experienced the heartbreak of relational failure? This week we’ll look at “the woman at the well,” a nameless woman who knew repeated relational failure. How did Jesus relate to her? What was He trying to do for her, and build in her?
Read MoreSermon: Sowing Seeds, Growing Gardens; The Parable of the Four Soils
Jesus loves people far and wide. He loves the ones who are far from Him, and loves the ones who are near. He has tasked His people with reaching the lost. One of his most well-known parables is the parable of the soils. It is a metaphor for some of the dynamics that go on…
Read MoreSermon: Colossians, The Priority of People
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. When we think about sharing our faith, we usually go in the wrong direction right at the beginning.. .
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