
Easter Sunday Message – The Resurrection


Most people have heard the story of the resurrection. Many skeptics deny the veracity of that story. Pastor Seth takes us through Mark chapter 16 and talks about some of strong evidence about the resurrection of Christ, and talk about the hope that we can have as a result.

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark – Two Kingdoms


As we celebrate Palm Sunday, Pastor Mark helps us see the difference between being focused on the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God. Christ died to atone for us, and bestow upon us the right to be citizens of the kingdom of God, even though by our own actions, we really don’t…

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark – Cup, Gethsemane, Desires


We get into the deepest caverns of the heart of Jesus in today’s passage. He is engaged in a massive battle between His desires and suffering. He comes face-to-face with agony and gets a clear picture of His upcoming death.  This week we’ll look at how we process the difference between our desires and our…

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark – Communion


As we continue through the gospel of Mark, we come to the Lord’s Supper, also referred to as the Last Supper or Communion. Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with His disciples, but with some significant differences. Before we look at what Mark records, we’ll review the meaning of Passover. Jesus gives us a delightful taste of…

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark – The Triumphal Entry and the Temple


The final week of Jesus’ earthly life begins with what Christians have called “Palm Sunday” or “Triumphal Entry.” What strikes you about the scene with the palm branches, people waving them in the air, tossing them in the path of Jesus on His steed, shouting “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is He who comes in the name of…

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark – Ransom


On at least three distinct occasions, Jesus told His disciples that He came to die. He was quite specific and quite graphic. “Ransom” is not a word we use much nowadays, unless it applies to a kidnapping. The core idea of “ransom” is substitutionary sacrifice, for the release of a victim or the guilty.

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