
Sermon: Gospel of Mark – Ransom


On at least three distinct occasions, Jesus told His disciples that He came to die. He was quite specific and quite graphic. “Ransom” is not a word we use much nowadays, unless it applies to a kidnapping. The core idea of “ransom” is substitutionary sacrifice, for the release of a victim or the guilty.

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark – Money


This week we’ll look primarily at an interchange between Jesus and the man known as the Rich Young Ruler.  Have you ever tried witnessing to someone and become irritated at their blindness and stubbornness? Every day, in every city, in every nation, men and women make their choices.

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark, Glory – The Transfiguration


In the previous chapter of Mark, Jesus speaks very plainly about His coming suffering and death. Peter, of course, was stunned, as were the rest of the disciples. Peter, James and John are invited to walk up the mountain with Jesus. What they see if completely unexpected, and seems to be the complete opposite of…

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Sermon: Gospel of Mark, The Cross Solution


In the book of Mark, the story of the life and ministry takes a sudden shift. We’ve seen His miracles, His teaching, His heart, and the divine character in human flesh. He taught and fed the masses, yet had personal ministry with some of the most downcast people of His time.

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Sermon: The Gospel of Mark, Clean


We exist to enjoy and share the love and message of God with everyone. One of the things that is so puzzling about the Jewish religious leaders is their hyper-attention to things they considered of a life and death nature that we consider so trivial. 

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Sermon: Bridging and Building


I believe that there are five major building blocks in life, arenas of life where God is always working in His people. Over the last two weeks we’ve studied the first three: Broken, Beloved, and Belonging. This week we look at Building and Bridging. We live in a generation that wants the “quick fix.”

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