
David’s Testimony of God


David’s life was hard. He faced challenge after challenge. Some of them were of his own making, and some of them were the results of human evil against him.  Yet God made Himself known to David in such a way that David not only found deliverance through every trial but also found the deepest joys…

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Trusting in the Tempest


When it rains it pours, right? Have you had the experience of life’s circumstances being terrible, and then find yourself hounded by belligerent people and/or betrayed by those closest to you? That’s where David is–holding an “umbrella” when all hell has broken loose.  But through the storm, we know that we can still trust God,…

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Forgiveness and Consequences


What happened after David and Bathsheba’s sins? How does forgiveness occur? What other spiritual blessings can be discovered through repentance?  God loves us so much, that he allows the consequences of our sin to play out.  It’s hard for us to see that as love, until we can look at the situation from God’s perspective.

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The Heights and the Depths


The life of David is somewhat of a metaphor for our lives. Sometimes you are dazzled at what God can do in our lives. Other times, you shake your head at the terrible decisions you’ve made. This week we’ll look at both a high and a low of David. The mercy he showed Mephibosheth, and the terrible…

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Holiness and the Ark


This week we see king David is bringing the Ark of the Covenant out of the land of the Philistines, to house it in Jerusalem. One of the men touches the Ark and immediately dies. David is angry and sullen.  It seems unfair.  How are we to think of this story? What was God trying…

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David Becomes King


King Saul dies, and David finally becomes king over Judah, but not of all Israel.  In his experience, we can see that “success” is enjoyable, but also provides us with a test! Will we loosen our morals? Will we try to “coast” with God? Will we set ourselves up for future catastrophes?

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