
The Character of God: The Trinitarian God


The Bible reveals God to be one being, but three persons…that is one in essence, but three in character (Father, Son, and Spirit).  This is a bit difficult for us to wrap our minds around because it can seem a bit contradictory, but Pastor Seth spends this week exploring the “dance” of the Trinity.

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Character of God: God is Eternal


We are starting a new series this week on the different characteristics of God.  As we go through the Bible to see what God reveals about His character, we start with what it means for God to be ‘Eternal’ by looking at how God called of Moses out to lead His chosen people.    

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Can You Have Morality Without a Law-giving God?


Is it possible to have morality without a moral law giver? Pastor Seth takes a look at what it where morality comes from, and explores what God’s word says and what people say about the idea of absolute moral truths.

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The World in Which Every Man Lives


The Five Enemy Thoughts every man hears at some point in his life. “It’s to hard.” “It’s not fair.” “It’s not what I want.” “I’m too tired.” “I’m the only one.” How do we fight these ideas when they creep up on us?

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Does Religion Cause Violence?


Some atheists claim that religion is violent by it very nature. In the book Terror in the Mind of God, Mark Juergensmeyer makes this very claim. He uses the imagery of cosmic war to claim that even religions whose end is peaceful can only get there by cosmic war. But is that true?

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Did God Command Ethnic Cleansing?


God intended for the Jews to live in the land he promised them.  The problem is:  this land was already occupied by other people.  In telling the Jews to “take” the land, did God command genocide or ethnic cleansing?  This is a difficult and often misunderstood part of the Old Testament history.  How can a…

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