Clear Relationships
Relationships get messy. Conflict is inevitable. Hurt feelings and misunderstandings are inevitable. The trick is NOT how to avoid them. The trick is how to think about them and work through them. But it’s not easy. It’s humbling. This week we’ll look at how to reconcile difficult relationships.
Read MoreLiving and Honest and Open Life
Every day we are tempted “put our best foot forward,” present our “best side,” pretend that we’re doing better than we are and sometimes to live in pretense. Do you know what these things produce? The pressure to “keep up appearances,” to “have it all together.” No wonder we live with so much stress! Much…
Read MorePut the Success of Others Above Your Own
The bible amazes us with its wisdom. This week we will look at three things that torpedo our relationships. Then we will look at the example that should dazzle us into being alert to the three relational enemies and how to put them into practice.
Read MoreGrace Frees Us to Love
We claim to be “loving” people, but often what that really means is that we “love” people who already “love” us. That kind of “love” is not love at all. It is “need.” All the while we consider ourselves “good people.” This week, we’ll look at a snapshot of a man, and you may find…
Read MoreGrace’s Training School
Grace is instrumental in setting direction and teaching us how to build our lives on a firm foundation. The foundations help us to fix our eyes on Christ’s path, not to stray off that good path, and even, when needed, how to get back on the path when we have strayed.
Read MoreGrace Inherent in Romans
This week we’ll dive into one of the greatest biblical promises made to Christians. Romans 8:28 promises that God will work things together for “good.” What does this mean? What is OUR good? It should be surprising that God may define “good” a little differently than we do.
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