


We usually attribute loneliness to the failures of someone else. However, before we ever draw that conclusion, there are two failures of our own that precipitate a greater loneliness than what anyone else’s failures can bring. God can use our damaged selves as of one of the routes to true joy!

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Unmet Longings


All of us experience unmet longings. We then redouble our efforts to fill our emptiness and loneliness we sometimes feel. Our efforts and the results are very short-lived. Surprisingly, God does not seem to be cooperating to get the people in our lives to come through for us!  What is God doing? He’s re-routing us.…

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Shattered Dreams


Pursuing the world’s definition of joy is like riding on the interstate highway. We just naturally assume that’s the fastest and surest way to where we are going, that is, until we hit a sig alert or an ice storm that has caused the crashes of hundreds of cars. God defines “joy” differently than you and…

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Sin, Judgement, Mercy, Hope


As we finish our study of King David, we will see the sin of the people and of David; we will see how Satan reacts, and how God deals with the whole mess, both in judgment and in mercy.

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David’s Testimony of God


David’s life was hard. He faced challenge after challenge. Some of them were of his own making, and some of them were the results of human evil against him.  Yet God made Himself known to David in such a way that David not only found deliverance through every trial but also found the deepest joys…

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Trusting in the Tempest


When it rains it pours, right? Have you had the experience of life’s circumstances being terrible, and then find yourself hounded by belligerent people and/or betrayed by those closest to you? That’s where David is–holding an “umbrella” when all hell has broken loose.  But through the storm, we know that we can still trust God,…

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