
Grace: Peace, Hope, & Joy


Grace has many different applications to our lives. One of the applications is the array of gifts that God gives to His people. Alex Wong will take a look at some of those gifts we need for our journey through this life, with all of its many challenges.

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Grace instead of Judgement


A few weeks ago we contemplated that our understanding of grace would go no deeper than our understanding of our sin and our sin nature.  The same is true for judgment. Our secular culture scorns such an event or a “God who would judge.” That doesn’t dismiss that God is just to judge sin.  Greg…

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Grace In Action


Though grace is a theological term, the impact of grace is most deeply felt in the story of our lives. This week we’ll take another look at the story two brothers in Luke 15, the story often called the parable of the prodigal son. The parable is really, and especially about both sons, and how…

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The Redemption of Grace


Everyone hates to face their sin. We bend over backward to live in denial, pretense, and with a willful blindness to our own heart. The more we face the reality of the sin nature that lies within us, the greater the wonder grace will become to us. But we must receive God’s grace into ourselves. …

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Grace and Mercy


The most amazing aspect of the Christian life is grace!  Grace radically affects how I think about myself, how I live, and my identity, just to name a few.  Today Pastor Mark walks us through Ephesians Chapter 2 and how much we need God as he talks about sinfulness of sin, the magnificence of mercy,…

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Witness – Sharing the Gospel of Jesus


In Daniel Chapter 6, we see the influence Daniel has built over a life time. His excellence, character and faithfulness led him to be an incredible witness of Yahweh, but even late in his life, he went through incredible and unexpected hardship. Today we consider how the challenges he experienced applies to our lives today.

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