
Interpreting the Bible


This week we are looking at understanding and interpreting the Bible. The Bible is composed of 66 Books in multiple genres written over thousands of years. It can be daunting, and sometimes hard to understand. This week we are taking a few steps to try and make it a little easier to understand.

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The Book of Jeremiah


Jeremiah was known as “the weeping prophet.” In spite of his faithful and bold preaching, he watched helplessly as his beloved nation continued to slide toward destruction. Jeremiah paid a terrible price for his message. He faced ridicule, scorn, torture and suffering. What was most heart-breaking was watching the Babylonians break through the city walls of…

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A Biblical Worldview – ISMs


This 9-week series has been written to help you think biblically about the issues before us, and particularly the ideas and underpinnings of candidates’ platforms and policy decisions. In our country, this is where the rubber meets the road. This week we’ll look at some of the ISM’s that drive secular politics and beliefs, and…

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A Biblical Worldview – Work, Economics, and Government


Work is work, and work takes work. Work is another introduction into the realities of life.  But work is not just about work. There is the interplay of economics and government. It is important to have what the bible calls “understanding,” not just about work, economics and government to have “understanding” about how these three entities…

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A Biblical Worldview – What Does the Bible Say About Gender?


In our day there is growing confusion about gender. There is a secular movement of thinking that seeks to minimize or obliterate any differences between genders. In this secular way of thinking, gender is something that one feels or identifies as. This is like leaving a great sailing ship on the high seas without sails…

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A Biblical Worldview – Biblical Marriage


What does the bible say about marriage? Up until 15-20 years ago this was not a “controversial” topic. Everyone knew the answer. Our secular culture continues to send its tsunami waves at our Judeo-Christian heritage, causing great confusion. How are we to think about same-sex marriage? What does the bible say? Before we address those questions…

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