
The Birth Announcement of Mary


We so often hear the story of Mary this time of year, but it’s just as easy to gloss over the extreme cost it would have been to a young girl, to find herself graced with this ‘favor’ from God. What did it cost her in terms of her life’s plans? What did it cost…

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The Kingship of Jesus – Finding Soul Rest – pt. 4


In spite of the mess of the world, Jesus is King. He reigns, even here, even amidst the rubble of sin and the rubble of people’s lives. It is that assurance that provides us peace and a soul that can rest in the often fiery and unpredictable world in which we live. It matters that…

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The Humanity of Jesus (Finding Soul Rest in the Strangest Places – pt. 3)


It is likely during this time of COVID, that you have experienced a heightened sense of despondency. You’ve also likely experienced a heightened sense of loneliness, isolation, and being disconnected. Jesus experienced all of this as well. That He has experienced these things is meant to comfort you, lift you, and carry you along in during…

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The Deity of Christ (Finding Soul Rest – Pt. 2)


The Christmas message clearly spells out the deity of Christ, but this is not just a theological issue with which to ponder. It is meant to jolt us out of our spiritual stupor (sleepiness) to obeying “Jesus Christ our LORD.” If obedience in our daily lives is replaced by right theology, then the boat has sailed without…

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Finding Soul Rest In The Strangest Places


We begin our march toward Christmas! We are all searching for what will provide relief from stress, and rest from pressure.  That rest that we crave can be found in some strange places… like the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1. Really!?!

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What Christ Offers


Beneath people’s veneer are hidden questions. “Do I matter? Do I matter to anyone? Does someone really care about me?”  People hunger and thirst for real “life,” that sense of satisfaction that comes from being deeply connected with God and others.  That is what Christ offers us, and He offers this real “life” through us…

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