
How Life Feels: Like a Mystery


Sometimes life seems VERY confusing! Big questions arise, like: Why is God silent? Has God abandoned me? Or even, is God attacking me? During times like this it seems as if God is doing nothing. In truth He is doing two very important things! This week we’ll look at what two of those things are, and…

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Mother’s Day: Leaving a Legacy


In honor of Mother’s Day, this week we’ll look at five ways we leave a legacy, not only for our kids, but for those all around us.  This is particularly apropos for all you mothers.

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Emotions: The Voice of the Soul


We tend to hate “negative” emotions, because nobody likes feeling bad. How are we to think about negative emotions? Why do we even have emotions?  The emotional part of our humanity is a gift to us from God, even the “negative” emotions.  This week we look at why that’s true, and how we are to think…

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Guilt and Shame


We have a tendency to use the words guilt and shame interchangeably.  This week, we’re going to explore what some of the differences are and how God can use even those things in our lives to bring us closer to Him.

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The Fear We Bring On Ourselves


This week we’ll look at Psalm 55, where David faced danger, the possibility of death, betrayal, and hatred. God’s good work of exposing the realities of the heart is what we need, to uncover our “REAL” hopes for life to “work,” things like a comfortable life, certainty, security, predictability, control, smooth relationships…idols in which we…

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Easter 2020 – The Redemption of Distress


Distress is stress on steroids, which grows exponentially when there seems to be no way to deal with the multiple difficulties.  But over and over and over again, God takes what “seems” like hopeless situations, crises that produce distress in people, and redeems those very situations! There is no greater example of this than Good…

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