
A Biblical Worldview – The Role of Government


Our task is to always learn God’s eternal truths and apply them to our lives. This includes how God views government. What does the bible say about government? How do the bible’s stories illustrate the truth or foolishness of how government is done? How do we apply the biblical truths in our country? This requires…

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A Biblical Worldview – Who is Man?


Trying to understand the cultural mess in our society can be a daunting and confusing task. SIX different views of what it means to be human are running rampant in our culture. FIVE of these views lead to personal misery, “guide” people into foolish decisions and foolish living. In the extreme they create mayhem, violence,…

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A Biblical Worldview – Truth


We are starting a new series this week called “A Biblical Worldview” Where we are going over a few different aspects that make up the way we as Christians should see the world.  This first week we are exploring the difference between subjective and objective truth and learning the power of the Truth that can…

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One-Page Letters: Jude


Living the Christian life is not easy. Overcoming our own sin nature is a formidable task. One of the reasons why is we are highly committed to feel better now. When we don’t feel better as a Christian, we are tempted with sin, the allure of feeling immediately better, even though it is the path…

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One-Page Letters: 3 John


The book of 3rd John is a one-page letter with plenty of insights into why relationships sour and become overly-conflicted or why relationships flourish. This little letter introduces to some interest people that offer us four short case studies in relationships.

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One-Page Letters: 2 John


We live in “the age of feelings.” “Truth” has now been dumbed down to the irrational “whatever is true for you is true, and whatever is true for me is true.” When the howling winds of life slam into your life, feelings cannot anchor you. Only absolute truth can anchor us. Holding on to the truth, and…

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