
Minor Prophets: JONAH – pt. 1


The book of Jonah is unlike every other minor prophet. The “bad guys” seem better than the “good guys, and the “bad guys” seem more humble and repentant than the “good guys.” Jonah reveals not only who God is but also who we are. It is a stunning expose of both the character of God and heart…

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Minor Prophets: OBADIAH


There are sins “everybody” condemns. Ironically, very few include themselves among “sinners.” There are some actions and attitudes that the bible labels as sin, but we tend to minimize any culpability as those sins are lesser sins, certainly not worthy of a heavenly spanking, or worse. Obadiah deals with the sin of pride. After reading this one-chapter…

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Desires & Surrender


Our desires are confusing things. Some are clearly wrong and some are clearly right. It is what the bible calls “deceitful” desires that trips us up. Chasing these usually leads to the exact opposite for that which we hope–great and lasting satisfaction. But “deceitful” desires are powerful. They won’t go without a tenacious fight within us. What…

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Minor Prophets: AMOS


Amos was a shepherd and a fig tree farmer. God gave Amos tremendous courage to confront both king, priests, and the people not only of their sins which deserved judgment, but of the stubbornness and proud tenacity to repel any message they did not want to hear.  Namely, the results of such living end in…

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Minor Prophets: JOEL


We continue our study of the minor prophets. This week we’re studying the book of Joel. The book of Joel helps us with some of the great questions: When national disaster strikes, how are we to think about that? How are we to react? How are we to think about God? How are we to think about…

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Minor Prophets: HOSEA


As we begin our study of the minor prophets, Hosea bats lead-off. It is a stunning representation of the people’s stubborn refusal to respond to God on His terms, to stubbornly insist on running their lives in spite of the inevitable de-railing that will occur, and the exceptional love of God for a sometimes unfaithful and…

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