
The Upside-Down Kingdom: The Upside-Down Peace


We assume peace comes from everything going “smoothly,” or when we get our way. We may experience a few moments of peace, but life continues to throw challenges at us. In the upside-down kingdom, God uses all of those “opportunities” to slowly train us how to be at peace regardless of our situations, no matter…

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The Upside-Down Kingdom: The Shepherds and their Faith


We live in the age of “mega influencers” and “micro-influencers.” (Yes, I had to look up what those terms meant). It was not to the “connected,” to those “trending,” to “the beautiful people,” or “celebrities” that the most important message was told. It was to what we often hear–to the “lowly” shepherds. Why? Why would God choose shepherds…

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The Upside-Down Kingdom: The Upside-Down King


It’s very easy to think of Christmas as a cute baby, born in a manger, wrapped in cloths, with the shepherds, and later the kings bearing their three gifts. The import of the scene is easily lost. The Christmas story is God’s rescue mission, where Jesus Christ, God’s Son, takes on human flesh and becomes one of…

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Minor Prophets: HABAKKUK


Habakkuk is unlike any other minor prophet. It is a “conversation” or more like a confused gripe session with how God seems to be dealing with a world filled with evil and suffering. The prophet and God engage in a dialogue where God helps Habakkuk see the world and God’s dealing with the world from God’s…

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Minor Prophets: NAHUM


Nahum illustrates that no matter how strong, proud, “secure,” and successful we may appear, if those things keep us from becoming the people of God who love and live like He does, every one of those things can be withdrawn and dismantled. No matter how secure we may appear to ourselves, that judgment would never…

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Minor Prophets: MICAH


In the book of Micah, we see that the people of the northern kingdom (Israel) did not respond to him or the other prophets and paid a heavy and horrendous price: invasion, exile, and slavery. The people of the southern kingdom (Judah) did heed his preaching and were spared invasion and exile. No matter how…

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