The Wonder of Christmas: Hope
During Advent season, as we anticipate the birth of our savior, we live as people of hope. This life is not all there is. There is coming a day when every pain and suffering will be redeemed, when the sadness of this world will turn to joy forever, when evil will be finally and completely judged…
Read MoreThe Wonder of Christmas: His Birth Into Our Messy Lives
The world is a messy place! Sometimes, around this time of year, we idealize what Jesus’ birth might have been like…but the truth is, it was probably pretty messy. This week we are diving into the messy world that Jesus chose to be born into and what that means for us this season.
Read MoreParenting 101: Teaching Kids Respect
It is crucial that we teach our kids how to be respectful, how to manage not just their actions, but their attitudes. This week we will look at 7 principles that can guide parents in this important endeavor.
Read MoreFreedom vs. Self-Centeredness
This week we are looking at our desire for living for self, or self-centeredness, and how that feels like it will lead to freedom. But, alternatively the Bible promises freedom for those that choose to follow Christ instead.
Read MoreParenting 101: 5 Keys to Loving Discipline
Parenting is a challenging endeavor! It generally gets hardest during the “terrible-twos” and the teenage years. Every child needs discipline to know where the boundaries are in life. To leave a child to their own devices is a huge mistake! The Bible gives us clear instruction on the need for discipline and how to lovingly administer it.
Read MoreParenting 101: Meet Your Child
Few things in life are more perplexing than parenting. Parenting is made somewhat easier if we at least know what we are up against in a child’s nature and can understand what our children are chasing after. We must understand the “human nature” of the problem if we have hope of dealing with our children with wisdom,…
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