Invest Your Treasure
God uses money in our lives to build character. Simply put, money for more than just paying bills, providing for families, and paying for vacations and toys. But there is a danger of making money more important than He is. That can be highly destructive to people and to families. Why is God so concerned…
Read MoreFollow Spiritual Leadership
Submitting to God-given authority runs extremely counter-culture in our Western world. The pendulum has swung to an extreme of individualism. The effect of that is to make workplace environments, teamwork, ministry projects, church, community groups, etc. more difficult because “everyone” has their opinions about how things “ought” to be done. “Why would I follow the leader…
Read MoreInvest Your Time and Talents
We all have a yearning to make our life count for something that matters, that impacts other people, and that will outlast ourselves. Every Christian has been given at least one spiritual gift. Will we use it or hide it? Will we serve the Lord and others, or will be serve ourselves–settling for what is convenient…
Read MoreClear Relationships
Relationships get messy. Conflict is inevitable. Hurt feelings and misunderstandings are inevitable. The trick is not how to avoid them. The trick is how to think about them and work through them. (This is one of the “hidden” tools in building intimacy!!!) But it’s not easy. It’s humbling, when we try to learn how to…
Read MoreLiving an Honest and Open Life
Whatever it is you are trying to build, whether it is a marriage, a family, work, career, ministry or a church, there are seven attitudes (values) that help us build well. Living an honest and open life is crucial to building trust relationships with people. It is true in a marriage, at work, with extended…
Read MorePut the Success of Others Above Your Own
We are starting a new series called the Pacific Heart Attitudes. There are seven values to which we aspire to live out personally, and corporately as a church family. These heart attitudes are not limited to building church life. They are New Testament values that you can apply in your personal life, marriage, parenting, work, and…
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