Walking the Narrow Road – Pt. 3
Walking the Narrow Road is a journey, that appears as an adventure, in the old English sense of the word. There is a destination, a path we are to walk, maps, directional signposts, and dangers we did not anticipate. What keeps the traveler on the right trail is his handy compass, which tells him where…
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When we first come to faith in Christ, we become a “new creation; the old is gone, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Then God promises that “…I will give you a new heart…” (Ezekiel 36:26) What are the characteristics of a new heart? What is true about as a new creation?
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In this series we will explore eight different aspects of walking with Jesus through this life, where danger, confusion, dryness, doubt, endurance, and battle sometimes is our present reality. The first decision is to walk Jesus’ Narrow Road to Life, or to walk our Wide Road to Destruction. We will look at two roads, and…
Read MoreReasons for Hope!
When we get past Christmas, sometimes it easy to get into kind of a “Christmas Hangover.” Especially if events/family interactions didn’t quite go as hoped for. This whole thing can lead us into worry or depression. BUT, the HOPE that Paul talks about in Romans 5 is the kind of hope that carries us into…
Read MoreAdvent 2024: Part 4 – The Wise Men
Remember the three wise men who traveled to see Jesus after he was born? We are looking at who they are, where they came from and what’s the deal with frankincense?
Read MoreAdvent 2024: Part 3 – The Shepherd’s Wife
God shared the amazing story of incarnation, God becoming human flesh as a baby, not with kings and presidents, ambassadors and Hollywood elite, nor on “main-stream news.” He used poor, but teachable and humble shepherds. The rest is history. God wants to use every one of His children, people like you, to share His story.
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