Mother’s Day: The Heart of a Mother
Mother’s Day is a day we celebrate, because collectively, mothers have had a huge influence our lives, our culture and our society. This week we’ll look at four different types of a mother’s love: sacrificial, influential, delightful, and committed.
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Relative Truth
We have looked at God’s absolute truth in some detail, for everyday living. Now we’ll look at the truth of God’s Larger Story. We’ll take a 30,000-foot view of His four great chapters of His story. It is His story that grounds us when life shakes us. It is what fills us with hope when circumstances are…
Read MoreGrace and Truth: God’s Larger Story
We have looked at God’s absolute truth in some detail, for everyday living. God also shows us the truth as we look at His Larger Story. It is His story that grounds us when life shakes us. It is what fills us with hope when circumstances are discouraging and our lives are painful.
Read MoreGrace and Truth: What is Truth?
As we study what God defines as truth, you may notice the headwinds of our culture’s relativism blowing in your face, causing you resist what you’re reading. Societal pressure, peer pressure, fear pressure, the hunger for acceptance, and our own desires are only part of the resistance we sense within us. Our culture is pressing…
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Resistance to God’s Truth
God’s truth matters. If we seek it and seek to live it out, it will eventually show up in our daily lives. We are naturally resistant to God’s truth, instead preferring to believe whatever justifies our desires. Additionally, Satan blows his winds against us every day. To “give in” to the prevailing winds eventually will…
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Three Pendulums
We live in a very divided country right now, but what are the undercurrents that really divide is? I believe that there are three “pendulums” in America: 1. Do we fundamentally live in a God-centered world or a man-centered world? 2. Is TRUTH God-centered or man-centered? 3. How are we to experience acceptance? Is what…
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