
Re-routing to Joy: Unmet Longings


Last week we began a new series entitled “Re-routing to Joy.” This week we are looking at another way that God allows us to find unexpected joy. We will take a look at the backroad of unmet longings and how they can help you to discover true joy.

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Re-routing to Joy: Shattered Dreams


Finding joy is not as easy as it sounds. We often mistake happiness for joy, but joy is not dependent on pleasant circumstances. It can be found in the worst of suffering. It is not primarily a thing of feeling but of the gut, a deep conviction, an anchor of certainty, the deep awareness that…

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Satisfied (pt. 8): The Surprising Virtue of Grumbling


Grumbling and complaining come so easily to us. In the moment it may seem so justified, and even feel like it “needed to be said.” In truth, grumbling and complaining slowly sap the life out of relationships, and slowly sap the life out of you. It is death by a thousand cuts. God is working…

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Satisfied (pt. 7): The Surprising Virtue of Failure


Failure can be catastrophic. Sometimes we think, “My life is over.” But failure is never final with God. Failure provides one of those rare moments in life where humility is king, we see our utter need of God, and we experience His ability to create beauty out of ashes.

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Mother’s Day 2024


Today we are going to talk about mothering and we’re going to do it biblically, so we don’t celebrate the wrong thing. Because there is something very good and something very right and something very beautiful that needs to be celebrated, but it might just not be what you think it is…

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Satisfied (pt. 6): The Surprising Virtue of Anger


Anger is not just “a problem to solve.” God uses our anger to expose a much deeper problem than our anger. The path of transformation involves (1) Seeing the rotten parts of ourselves that make misery and messes for ourselves and others. (2) Understanding what is wrong that is driving us in bad directions, and…

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