
Sermon: The Story, part 23: The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry


Jesus Christ is about thirty years old. His ministry begins at his baptism. Jesus obviously didn’t need to get baptized in the same way we do, as a result of repentance over sin and faith in Him. Why do you think He chose to be baptized? At Jesus’ baptism we get a picture both of…

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Sermon: The Story, part 22: The Birth of The King


The “word” in Greek language of the New Testament means, reason, logic, explanation, or wisdom. John identifies Jesus as the Word. And John identifies several aspects of Jesus’ divinity. John records that the long-awaited Messiah, Jesus Christ IS THE Word. He is the One who alone can answer the great questions of life! He tells…

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Sermon: The Story, part 21: Rebuilding Walls, Rebuilding Lives


The walls and city of Jerusalem were demolished in 586 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, almost rebuilt after 464 B.C. Opposition struck again, and again destroyed. Nehemiah hears this  in 446 B.C. Nehemiah is the cupbearer for Artaxerxes the Persian king.

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Sermon: The Story, part 20: Courageous Queen Esther


483-473 B.C.  God’s people in exile in Susa, capital of Persia. King Xerxes, an unstable king; Vashti , Xerxes’ beautiful and modest wife; Haman, Xerxes’ assistant; Esther, ravishing Jewish orphan girl;  Mordecai, a faithful Jewish leader and Esther’s benefactor, raised up by God to rescue His people.

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Sermon: The Story, part 19: The Return Home


As we continue our march through the Old Testament, and God’s larger story, don’t you wonder how the thread of God’s redemptive story doesn’t just snap and break? Good grief! Ten of the twelve tribes of Israel were lost to history. Only two remained, and then they were conquered and most of the them were…

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Sermon: The Story, part 18: Daniel in Exile


We pick up God’s larger story in Babylon, far away from the promised land. Daniel and three of his Jewish friends have been recruited as part of the king’s counselors because of their wisdom. King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream that is tremendously troubling to him. He knows the dream is significant, but he has no…

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