
Sermon: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ


Paul begins a section of scripture that is a magnificent description of Christ. Ever since the resurrection of Christ, the divinity of Christ has been the essence of His identity. Paul says that Christ is the “image” of the invisible God. “Image” is the Greek word “eikon.” “Eikon has two usages. The first means an…

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Sermon: The True Gospel and Character of God


We begin a series on the book of Colossians. Paul wrote this letter from prison between years 52-55 A.D. We don’t know if Paul ever visited Colossae. He was in Ephesus for three years, which is only 150 miles from Colossae.

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Sermon: Principles of God’s Guidance


One of the questions that comes up is, “What about supernatural guidance? I had a dream about my decision. How much stock should I have in that?” Or, “I think God spoke (silently) to me in a strong impression.

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Sermon: Seeking Wise Counsel — July 2, 2017


Is there anything that is more “natural” than the belief, “I know what to do.”? How many times have you angrily asked, “Who are you to tell me what to do?” Unfortunately, all of us can look back on bad decisions we’ve made.

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Sermon: Prayer and Desires


We start the Christian life assuming prayer is primarily, if not solely “twisting God’s arm” to get Him to do what we think best. After time, we realize that prayer, as it relates to God’s will plays some critical roles! Prayer helps us: Lay our concerns and requests at God’s feet; Ask God for the…

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Sermon: Being a Father


Being dad is challenging. Think about all the things you do! Love them, build their character, train their values, discipline their foolishness, provide for their spiritual, medical, and financial well-being,  help them navigate dating, and help them see that following the Lord is the most important thing they’ll ever do.

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