Pastor’s Posts

Sermon from March 9 2008


Thank you Seth for this message on trials from John 18-19 [slideshare id=324816&doc=trials-john-18281916-1206671795845695-2&w=425] Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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Sermon from March 2, 2008


Seth’s sermon is called “Guilt and Grace: John 18:1-27” [slideshare id=324805&doc=guilt-and-grace-john-18127-1206671434426888-3&w=425] Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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