Pastor’s Posts

New Series: Managing Finances God’s Way


Tired of dealing with money pressure? Is money causing stress in your home? Beginning October 12, we will run a new series called, “Managing Finances God’s Way.” This 7-week series involves: 1. 7 messages regarding how to manage money and not let it “manage” you. 2. Video curriculum (20 minute lessons) from 5 experts in the…

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*** Finding Peace ***


Listen to enough people and your hear them pursuing “peace:” * Inner peace, * Peace  with themselves, * Peace as opposed to  being a worry-wart, * Peace in difficult relationships,  circumstances, or finances, * Peace with difficult kids. Without God, people are left to find peace by their (1) circumstances and (2) own efforts. Think…

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2 Corinthians 10:12 We do NOT dare to classify or COMPARE ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and COMPARE themselves with themselves, they are not wise. I swim at Nova Masters during lunch Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Virtually everyone there “seems” to be a Who’s Who of swimming. I…

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To Know and Be Known


There is something God-placed, deep in the heart of every person: the longing to know and be known. You were made to “know” others and for others to “know” you. Of course that means more than knowing your name, your family, and your career. It means to know the “real” you, the parts of your…

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Contentment is one of those things we always seem to be chasing, like attorneys chasing ambulances, except the attorneys apparently catch the ambulances! Philippians 4:11 “… I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Contentment doesn’t come “naturally” or “automatically” to the Christian. Even the great apostle Paul had to learn contentment. What comes…

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Check Ups


Sometimes we have to learn the hard way. It’s better to take your car to Jiffy Lube than change the oil yourself. Here are a few of my “experiences:” oil spill on driveway the size of the Alaskan tanker Valdez, forgot to put “plug” back in oil pan resulting in Valdez oil spill up the…

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