Pastor’s Posts

Living a Life of Sacrifice


Living a Life of Sacrifice Living a Life of Celebration–part 2 Living a life of celebration begins with a life of worship, which we studied last week. A surprising aspect of living a life of celebration is sacrifice! Our fallen nature keeps looking for the easy way, the fun way, or the “meaningful to me”…

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Week of May 14-20 Our secular culture asks, “What’s the big deal about worship?” To them, worship is little more than a “ritual” some people do, that has little bearing on real life. Even some religious cultures say, “It doesn’t matter what you worship, as long as you worship something.” Both cultures badly misunderstand worship!…

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THURSDAY, MAY 3, 7:00-9:00 pm Come join us as we pray for our country, community, church, family and our lives! You can drop in any time between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., and stay as long as you like! We’ll be in the Youth Room / MPR.

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Unscrewing Money Messes


 The Money Maze Life Unscrewed–part 4 It’s all too easy to have parts of life get “screwed up.” It’s even harder to get them unscrewed! We’ve looked at (1) how we bring stress upon ourselves and others (part 1), (2) how we “screw up” male-female relationships (part 2), and (3) how we screw up work…

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What is God trying to do in your life? Lots! But one of those is to build a servant’s heart in you. That is a daunting task because we are deeply and naturally self-centered!  DAY 1 Read Matt. 20:20-28 1. Why reasons contributed to the disciples’ indignation? 2. How did the rulers/leaders of the day…

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Transforming the Treadmill! Transforming You!


Week of April 16, 2012  DAY 1 New jobs can be exciting, but eventually every job seems to devolve into some sort of treadmill. We want a job that “has” meaning. What is it we think gives our job “meaning?” Does meaningful work come from the job itself, or is “meaning” something we infuse into…

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