Pastor’s Posts

Good News!


This Christmas Season, Pacific Church is going to be putting together a musical show called “That’s the Good News!”  The show talks a lot about the struggles of an older gentleman who hosts a news radio show by the name “That’s the Good News!”  However, the host is going through a huge emotional struggle as…

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Thanks Giving


There are words in the english language that have been attached to things or that we say without actually thinking about the meaning of them. Things like, “I’m going to hit the hay,” “Glove box,” “Getting on his soap box,” “landline,” “Indian giver,” “master bedroom” or don’t even get me started on “wife beater tank…

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An Early Morning Walk


November 16, 2021   The early morning dawn, peeking over the hills, Brought with it cold, upon myself brisk chills.   I was not alone on this morning walk, Inside my heart? It wanted to talk.   Gnawing questions, disturbing pouts, Rising hopes and crummy doubts,   Relationships not mended, Some still offended.   Problems…

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4 Things I Learned Spending Two Months as a Preschool Teacher


We started a preschool in February and through a series of unfortunate events, I had the privilege of stepping in as a preschool teacher for a couple months while we hired someone else (Someone who could do a much better job). In that time I learned a lot of valuable lessons about working in/running a…

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“I’m a Forgiving Person”


“I’M A FORGIVING PERSON”   August 22, 2019   “I’m a forgiving gal,” and that she proudly claimed. But bitter there she stood, “Justified! Unashamed!” She was judge and jury. “He’s guilty! I condemn.” Scorn and contempt she threw against the evil “them.”   But when called to forgive what a ruckus and fray! Outraged…

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LISTENING A.P.B.: Missing here! A right ear and left ear! No sign of whereabouts! Relations in the pouts!   Listening: you go first! Listening for heart’s thirst.   Listening for their mopes, Listening for their hopes.   Listening for their thoughts, Listening for sore spots.   Listening when they’re curt, Listening for their hurt.  …

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