Pastor Seth’s Poems and Musings

Book of Philippians


The world gives “happiness” that is like cut flowers, “Happy for a while, but wilted within hours. But the joy that You plant, like seeds in the ground. Gardens will come! Beauty enjoyed, all year ’round!   “Happy” and joy, like oranges and apples, “Happy,” that for which everyone grapples, While joy, like an anchor,…

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American Thanksgiving


MAYFLOWER COMPACT   The year 1620, One hundred and two sail For the glory of God, A new land did they hail.   For King and their country, In the presence of God Did covenant themselves A body politic. Awed.   But just one year later Only fifty-five remained. In spite of their hardships, Their…

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Book of 2 Kings


Two nations taken in captivity. The warnings of prophets unheeded, The lives of prophets persecuted.   Sometimes, evil is easy to see. But evil can don a pretty disguise: The “pragmatic” and “necessity.”   When evil inside me goes unnoticed It will slowly dissolve my relations … Drama, conflicts, fights, and separations.   Sinking down…

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The Book of 2 Kings


Two nations taken in captivity. The warnings of prophets unheeded, The lives of prophets persecuted.   Sometimes, evil is easy to see. But evil can don a pretty disguise: The “pragmatic” and “necessity.”   When evil inside me goes unnoticed It will slowly dissolve my relations … Drama, conflicts, fights, and separations.   Sinking down…

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Book of Joshua


Worse battles within than without. Your battles are not with people. Battles fought in the heart win out.   Be careful what you make “First Place.” With time it’s easy to destroy Whatever else you most embrace.   Don’t mistake this life for heaven. In heaven, love and comfort, then. Expect it now? Hearts will…

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Hard Hearts


Eyes that will not see, Ears that will not hear. “I see what I want to see. And hear what I want to hear.”   It’s all too true of mankind. We’re too often, locked in one’s mind, “I’ve already made up my mind! Faith? Why I’d rather fly blind!”   Are “the open-minded” Even…

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