Pastor Seth’s Poems and Musings
The grass outside my door, Rain-drenched when heavens pour, Lies under touchdowns scored, My bed for my nap’s snore. My grass is walked upon. Dogs love it! Peed upon! “Dogs! Don’t! Pleeeeeeze!” Pooped upon… God’s beauty paints my lawn. Blades mow it down weekly, It bows, succumbs meekly. Endures blazing sun weakly, Grass,…
Read More“Twitter”
“Be brave and speak your mind.” “Days of Silence behind!” “Blame must be assigned!” “New morality! Find!” But if you speak your mind, On Twitter you’re maligned. In crosshairs you’re aligned. The mob, you, they will find. And if your words stumble, The new mob will rumble. Your career will crumble. Reputations tumble.
Read MoreElephant in the Room
There’s a peculiar fact of life Called the elephant in the room. In the middle of complex strife The elephant’s presence will loom. Will no other factors be seen? Are no other issues assumed? Blinded, no added wisdom gleaned? Just the elephant in the room?
Read MoreThe Story of Hope
Hope deepened, when we’re young, Hopes shine bright! Idealism! Each day dawns raise the sun! O youthful optimism. Hopes are dashed, every one. Shattered. No! Realism. London fog hides the sun. Shadows dark. Pessimism. Dare to hope come next morn. Deeper hopes found in Him. Dawn’s light gleams. Hope reborn His story told.…
Read MoreUgliness
The ugly side of man In all its many forms, Impossible to ban, Rejects the laws and norms. “I will not wear a mask!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” “I will take you to task!” “I’ll sue you through and through!” “Journalists” sit atop. Critics ride horses, “Experts” on laws and cops,…
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