
Praying for PCI


Prayer lies at the heart of all experience of God. In prayer God is known and met and touched. In prayer all our knowledge about God kindles into life. Our understanding of the Scripture gains personal illumination and power. Our whole conduct and career passes consciously under the divine judgment. In prayer the soul is…

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Photos from Paintball 2008


Our gang had a great time battling on Saturday and telling their stories on Sunday!

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Women’s Bunco Night at PCI- Tuesday, May 27 at 6:30pm


The Heart to Heart Ministry invites you to Bunco Night!!! If you don’t know what Bunco is, come learn and play. If you can count to six, you can handle this game! Time: Tuesday, May 27th, 6:30 PM Location: Pacific Church of Irvine Please invite your friends. Dinner and dessert will be served. Child care…

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VBS-Making An Eternal Difference In Your Child’s Life


It’s hard to believe that VBS is only 5 weeks away!!! It’s even harder to believe that this will be my oldest daughter’s last year of Vacation Bible School. How time flies… and I know that it will be flying even faster as we enter the Jr. High & High School years. Where am I…

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From the Bottom of Our Hearts


Thank you to all who made the launching of the Heart to Heart Ministry a success! Donna: Convincing us to have an “official” launch. Heart to Heart logo, stationery and favors. Debra, Tracy: Decorating Judith: Printing Jocelyn, Erica, Emma, Raeanna: Sunday Welcome team Julie, Tracy, Mardi: Making dips Janice, Truman: Amazing refreshment spread and favors…

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Mother’s Day Service May 11


Thank you to all the women who worked so hard to bless us this Sunday!   Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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