
Sunday Sermon Notes: “What Happens After We Die?”


Isn’t it interesting that our world doesn’t really know what to do with the idea of death? Flowers, which are beautiful signs of life, adorn cemeterie. There is even an occupation to make dead people look nice and happy and life-like after they’re dead—a mortician. All of the anti-aging creams, diets, and plastic surgeries prove…

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Christian Life


What is the Christian life supposed to look like? Matthew 13:44 says this: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a file, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Too often, as Christians, we tend to try…

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The Gospel is RADICAL…Check out this video!

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Women of Faith 2010


The annual Women of Faith program will be at the Anaheim Convention Center on September 10th and 11th. The cost is $89 for both days. This includes 2 boxed lunches.  Payment must be received before tickets are purchased. If you are interested in attending, please contact Michelle S.

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2nd Sunday Kids Connect


This is a great opportunity for new kids to come and connect at PCI, learn about Jesus and the Bible in fun ways, and make new friends.   Don’t miss the fun at “2nd Sunday Kids Connect”. Bring a friend too! Time: Every 2nd Sunday of the month, starting July 11, 2010, 9:30am to 10:45am Location: PCI Children’s Department. Age:…

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Coram Deo

03/17/2010 This ^ short lil article on Coram Deo is a keeper. Glance at it if you have a couple minutes. Coram Deo basically means living life before the face of God. When I’m wanting to connect with God, I’ll sometimes just sit and picture Jesus’ face right in front of my own, inches from…

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