Staff Blog
Mansions of the Lord; Home, at Last!
Do you see the faces of people you loved, In the flower blooms of His gardens, above? Clatter over the stone bridge; folks all want to see you! Enter through the narrow gate, this last time through. In the library, reading back through the old book Obedience was worth it, on every page you…
Two friends and I had skied the Rocky Mountains. It was time to head back to the Texas’ flat plains. As we drove east away from the mountains Longing and grief co-mingled into joy. I sat in the backseat, alone, mesmerized. Watching the mountain slowly fade in size. There was the sad…
Words of life…
Words are some of our most powerful tools…for good and for evil. Scripture says so much about our speech. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” [Prov 18:21] ” If anyone things he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” [James 1:26]…
Not a problem to solve; A doorway to enter!!! Letting go of lesser hopes, Letting go of “happiness” now. Discovering a deeper hope, And a different happiness. Hungry for Him, Thirsty for living water, Seeking Him first, The joy of anticipation. -Seth
House of the Lord
I have really been meditating today on a worship song by Jonathan Smith and Phil Wickham, called “House of the Lord”. It contains such a powerful reminder, that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and because of that, there is JOY in HIS house today! We worship the God who wasWe worship the…
The Wordless Book
This week the Lower Elementary class has a fun lesson using the “Wordless Book” that I wanted to share here for families to try at home. The lesson is simply the Gospel: Gold- Gold reminds me of heaven. Heaven is a wonderful place. There is no sickness, no pain and no hunger. No one ever…
On every mountain high, and every valley low, On every cruise ship wide, to every country go, To the new career change, to the new, next “real” love, Lasting pleasure his quest; his eyes won’t search above. The shadow of pleasure is what every man stalks, Feeling high? Numbing pain? Searching like soaring hawks.…
A Christmas Devotional
Christmas Devotional December 25th 2022 Day 1: When C.S. Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, he was searching for a way to help people experience the Gospel in a new and fresh way. Sometimes the Christmas story can become something that we just go through. We hear the same story every year and sometimes it…
Repeat the Sounding Joy
We had some neighbors over tonight for Christmas cookies and hot cocoa. I was able to read all the kiddos a new Christmas book we just bought and I wanted to share the message here. It’s called Sounding Joy. “What does joy sound like? Is it quiet like snow? Does joy sound like the laughter…