Staff Blog

True Story: Suffering in Burma, a poem

By Seth Gatchell | March 9, 2017

I wrote this poem this morning, based on a true story that happened to a very good friend of mine, yesterday. SUFFERING IN BURMA In the forested mountains of far off Burma, A group of doctors trek over terra firma. An eight-hour drive, bamboo rafts over rivers, Hours on a tractor, jungle hikes, to be…

Lovely Feet

By Lance Brown | February 28, 2017

As I was preparing for this month’s study in Romans 10, for the men’s staff breakfast, there was a verse that kept sticking in my mind.  Paul quotes the prophet Isaiah in Rom 10:15, when he says “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”  God is sending us as “foot soldiers”…

Respect, Kindness, Listen…

By Sarah Cristiano | February 14, 2017

Respect, Kindness, Listen… I noticed Sunday during Kids Church that there were a couple of squirmy kids that were demonstrating a measure of disrespect to the teacher.  Oh wait,  I was the teacher….My helper who is a very experienced teacher decided it was time to give the kids an impromptu lesson on respect, kindness and…

Learning Styles

By Sarah Cristiano | January 10, 2017

Learning Styles Even when you think the kids are not listening, or you watch them fidgeting or wanting to get up and move around…..they still can be learning.  More than once parents have said to me “ I am amazed that my child is learning at such a young age”, or “he can answer my…

Lessons from King Solomon

By Seth Gatchell | January 6, 2017

SOLOMON   A prayer for wise guidance, Book of Proverbs, you penned. What could be wrong with that? Solomon, what happened?   Fortune 500 guy And pleasures unbridled, Um, a thousand women??? What’s with foreign idols???   Outside? All “together.” Inside? Another matter. His heart’s center, he lost. His life then would shatter.   If…

A Way in a Manger

By Lance Brown | December 24, 2016

I often hear the opening words of the charming Christmas carol “Away in a Manger” as “A Way in a Manger.”  It brings me a sense of wonder, and I am reminded of Jesus’ declaration: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (Jn 14:6) That our eternal God chose to take on…

Happy Birthday Jesus!

By Sarah Cristiano | December 20, 2016

Just another reason I love working with children at church.  How many adults would respond to attending a Happy Birthday Jesus party?  Well I never did until I started working with the kids.  Through their eyes it is only natural to have a birthday party for Jesus….brilliant and yet so simple,  I love it.  There…

By Seth Gatchell | December 10, 2016

SOMETIMES   December 10, 2016   “Some people are so heavenly-minded That they are of no earthly good.” Sometimes true; always sad. But don’t be misunderstood . . .   Sometimes, I can see the City on a Hill from here! Sometimes I can hear the singing of praises over there! Sometimes I feel the…

Interesting Versus Interested

By Mark | December 8, 2016

Have you ever been introduced to someone, but you immediately forgot their name because you were too busy trying to think of what you were going to say? Sometimes, I think I spend too much time, trying to sound interesting, important or cool and not enough time engaged and interested in what other people have…