Staff Blog
When my old foolish ways, promised much, yet backfired, Into my misery, me, by grace, You acquired. Yet still, entitled me, can old ways be expired? Justice and grace conspired! A new heart is desired! Seth
Prayer for Wisdom
My prayer topic this week is WISDOM. Proverbs 3:13-14 Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. Wisdom is God-given skill for everyday living, the application of truth that equips us to live as God designed us to. Wisdom is…
Our red bougainvillea, waterfalled scarlet blooms, The gardener’s sharpened shears, severing branches, doomed. Branches pillaged, gathered, today, it faced its gloom. And once fiery red blooms? Their lot, the trash man’s tomb. “My once great gloried blooms, now ravaged and humbled. That in which I trusted, my beauty, now tumbled. That in which I…
Prayer for your family
I’ve been using these “prayer cards” as a catalyst to keep my prayer life active, for myself and my family! I encourage you to pray this over your children as well. The first topic is FAITH. Let’s stay connected in prayer to the One who gives us faith and is the source of our daily…
A tribute to men for Father’s Day
THE HUNTER The hunter awakens, each morning in his search, Through the forest he plods, to the deer-blind, his perch. The early morning dew, water splatters his boots, Venison in his dreams, for their dinner he shoots. Many people depend on his daily pursuit, Hungry stomachs to feed, he must be resolute. The deer…
God’s Nurturing Nature
With Mother’s Day right behind us I thought I’d share a few of my favorite insights on Biblical Femininity. I love the fact that God chose women to display some of his characteristics in such unique ways.The way this plays out looks very different depending on who you are and even your season of life.…
Teacher Appreciation
This past Sunday we had a meeting with 20 of our Sunday school teachers, and what a blessing it was! I am absolutely amazed by all the people that work so hard and want to make a difference in the lives of all our children. Some Sundays are easier than others but it is always…
THE SCULPTOR This massive, weighty thing, a giant granite rock, Cut out of mountainside, it sits as one great block. Transported far away from ice and winter snow, Cold is left behind. Now, in sculptor’s studio. Shattering hammer blows, the hard granite, pounded. Giant pieces flying, sharp slivers compounded, Rocks, pebbles pulverized, dust…
Dancing with my Daughter
As part of my daughter’s senior year in National Charity League, she participated with her senior class in a special ceremony called senior recognition where the girls are recognized for their service to the community with various charitable leagues and foundations. It’s really kind of a big deal. Picture a wedding, with 15 brides! :-0…