Staff Blog

Gospel Prayer

By Lance Brown | February 27, 2019

I’ve spent the last several weeks in the four gospels with our Life Group going through J. D. Greear’s study “Gospel: Discovering the Power of Christianity.”  The crux of this study has been the reminder that the gospel (the good news) of Christ is not the diving board into the pool of our faith in…

Dream Big, Act Small

By Seth Gatchell | January 2, 2019

There is a God-given longing to know that our life matters. That longing spurs us on into the lives of people. However, it often seems that our efforts produce such little fruit, may seem unnoticed, or on occasion, may be misinterpreted as something bad. It’s at that point that we throw our hands in the…

The Redemption of the Feminine Heart

By Seth Gatchell | December 4, 2018

THE REDEMPTION OF THE FEMININE HEART A thing of rare beauty, inside a woman’s heart. A jewel that invites you, to rest and be a part. An invitation, warm, receives you to her side, Sweet enjoyment found there, like warmth of fireside.   Why does this beauty hide? Concealed behind her fear? Shrouded, under cover,…

REAL Sunday School Experience

By Sarah Cristiano | October 8, 2018

At PCI Kid’s Church, your children will get a “REAL” Sunday school experience: Relational- kids build relationships with each other, their teachers, and most importantly Jesus Experiential – they do more than listen or read – they experience the lesson Applicable – children learn to become doers of the word a Learner based – they…

Family Fun Night

By Mark | October 8, 2018

Fall is on its way. The weather is starting to cool off a little. The sun is setting earlier, and it actually rained the other day! I read a book recently called, “52 Creative Family Time Experiences,” and I wanted to share some of the ideas the book shares to bring faith into your home.…


By Seth Gatchell | October 3, 2018

THIRST-SLAKING Glass pitchers all around; they promise refreshing. One promises fullness, another, caressing. A second promises to fill my emptiness. And a third promises to salve my loneliness.   One looks like lemonade, ice cubes floating with glee. Is this the one that helps with my anxiety? This one looks like orange juice, surely it…

I Am Who You Say I Am

By Lance Brown | September 25, 2018

If you haven’t heard it, it’s a pretty popular new song by Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan.  Often, we love to sing songs in church that have a catchy hook, and a great melodic build.  The power and pulse of the music lifts us up in a way that is difficult to explain, and we…

Moment of Worship

By Sarah Cristiano | September 11, 2018

“I love you, Lord And I lift my voice To worship You Oh, my soul rejoice! Take joy my King In what You hear Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear” After having our first baby join our family one month ago, I have had some sweet moments with the Lord (although…

Heart’s Delight

By Seth Gatchell | September 4, 2018

HEART’S DELIGHT Quietly sat, rapt attention, Connection’s joy, His expression! To see His face, and hear His heart, Such rich delight, never depart.   (Luke 10:38-42)   Seth