Staff Blog

Why Join A Church?

By Mark | May 18, 2020

“Why Bother with Church Membership?” I’ve been asked the question before. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity “So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of suspicion “So tell me again, why do you think I should become a member?” as if joining the church automatically signed…

Virtues to Pray for Your Child

By Sarah Cristiano | May 11, 2020

I wanted to circle back to my posts about virtues that we can pray for our children. These days, I have found our family praying in thankfulness more than ever before. We have much to be thankful for… health, home, protection, jobs,  food to eat, health of family and friends, church community throughout this isolation…


By Seth Gatchell | May 5, 2020

SPRINGS OF WATER May 5, 2020   Where does it all come from, seeming endless supply? Out of the rock and ground? Water that satisfies! Washing, cleansing, scrubbing, bathing, cleaning, rinsing, Showers, pouring, clearing; my soul’s purifying.   Such sweetness on hot days, oases in hot years. Washing suffering’s tears and bringing joyous tears. Satisfying,…

An Ever-present Help

By Lance Brown | April 27, 2020

I’ve been doing a study in the Psalms this year.  This week, I hit Psalm 46.  What a gift to hit this Psalm with all that is going on with COVID-19!  Let me give you a few verses:   “God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear,…

Sermon Notes Kids Edition

By Mark | April 22, 2020

If your family is anything like mine, most the time, you manage to get your kids to sit and watch church with you on the TV for about 3 minutes before telling them to just go play in the other room. we wanted to give you something to hopefully help keep their attention a little…

Resurrection Eggs

By Sarah Cristiano | April 13, 2020

This Easter looked a lot different for most of us this year. We may not have gotten dressed up, gone to church, eaten a meal with extended family and friends, BUT the reason we celebrate Easter was still the same. For our online Easter service, I had the opportunity to share the “Resurrection Eggs” with…

O, Risen Christ

By Seth Gatchell | April 6, 2020

This short prayer was written by Macrina Wiederkehr. I absolutely love this poem, especially with Good Friday and Easter approaching. –Pastor Seth O RISEN CHRIST “O, Risen Christ… When I search for you in the darkness Show me the light of your face. When my darkness is too heavy Send me the dawn. When I…

Our new reality

By Allie Adams | April 4, 2020

The world we find ourselves in right now is one that was unimaginable just a few weeks ago.  The things we thought so secure, we now see are so fragile.  The life we thought we could control, we now see how much of an illusion that was. Even though this is scary, there is blessing…

If my neighbor needs me…

By Lance Brown | March 25, 2020

Several of you may have heard this, but I heard it from my wife.  It really challenged me and encourage me! Martin Luther during a plague in 1527: “You ought to think this way:  Very well, by God’s decree the enemy has sent us poison and deadly offal.  Therefore I shall ask God mercifully to…