Staff Blog


By Seth Gatchell | December 8, 2020

REFLECTIONS December 8, 2020   Look at the lake in the stillness of early morn, The water is like glass, not a ripple is born. But the “color” of the lake is not just deep blue, Its color reflects the colors of what’s in view.   I can “see” the trees rooted on the other…

Advent- HOPE

By Sarah Cristiano | December 6, 2020

As I was studying this week about advent and what it means, the importance of advent really came alive to me and got me excited to celebrate this season of Christmas with y’all, our church family. I hope it will do the same for you. For the next four weeks, in church, we will be…

Opening a Preschool.

By Mark | November 25, 2020

Lance and I have been having a lot of fun tackling the challenges that come with opening a school for our little ones. We have the infrastructure in place and are on track for a January launch! What an exciting time in our church. The chance to engage our kids as well as having a…


By Seth Gatchell | November 9, 2020

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR November 7, 2020   “Be careful what you ask for,” So said mother to her son. “But mom, I know what I need!” (Mom hoped he’d want wisdom).   But wisdom did not drive him, Desires and passions instead. He married “beauty” and folly, Now, his misery widespread.  …

Hearing God

By Lance Brown | October 28, 2020

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was around 7 years old.  I was a normal child (okay, perhaps that is arguable) but I attended church and learned about God as I grew up, and always believed always wanted to follow.  I DIDN’T always obey.  Probably around my second year of college, God…

The Pumpkin Gospel

By Mark | October 25, 2020

If you are looking for a great way to share the Gospel with your kids while you are carving pumpkins, I give you the Pumpkin Gospel: First take an ordinary pumpkin, when you look at it you can see there is nothing particularly special about it.  Some are fat and short, others are tall and…

Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children

By Sarah Cristiano | October 14, 2020

I am encouraged each time I come back to this list of Biblical virtues that we can pray for our children. It is such a gift that we have the ability to talk with our Creator God and pray on behalf of our children, their salvation and sanctification, their walk with God. May God grant…

Saved TO…

By Seth Gatchell | October 6, 2020

Saved TO   October 6, 2020   Saved, to lasting companionship, Saved, to heart-filling, deep friendship.   Saved, to rejoice that sins are gone, Saved, to every day’s light of dawn.   Saved, to relish past wise choices, Saved, to praising with new voices.   Saved, to relational freshness, Saved, to joys of people’s richness.…

Christian Worldview – Sanctity of Life

By Mark | September 28, 2020

I have witnessed the wonder of childbirth. As a caring husband and expectant father, I stood at my wife’s side to encourage her as she gave birth to each of our three children. At our third child’s birth, the medical team even allowed me to snip the umbilical cord. I still get emotional when I…