Staff Blog

6 Aches of the Soul

By Seth Gatchell | February 9, 2021

SIX ACHES OF THE SOUL February 9, 2021   A frustrating world, the first kind of ache, Earthquakes, annoyances, and another headache. Would we turn to God if this world was ideal? The God of redemption is found in life’s ordeal!   The pain of bad choices, the second kind of ache, Consequences felt from…

Sufficiency of Christ

By Lance Brown | January 25, 2021

The sufficiency of Christ is something that most Christians would say, “Yes!  I absolutely believe in the sufficiency of Christ.”  However, what that really means came to a very sharp point as we discussed it one week in our LifeGroup’s study in Colossians Chapter 1. Here Paul talks to the church about how excited he…

Little Lambs Preschool Irvine

By Mark | January 21, 2021

We are so excited for the launch of Little Lambs Preschool February 1st! Please join us in praying for all the children who attend. If you have not had a chance yet, please check out Little Lambs website.  We are happy to announce that all members of PCI will be offered a 10% discount for…

Every Moment Holy

By Sarah Cristiano | January 11, 2021

I received a book for Christmas called “Every Moment Holy” by Douglas McKelvey. In it are written a myriad of prayers for any occasion, job, event, and mundane moment, with the point being that every moment in our day can be made holy if only we remember the sacredness of it and our God. From waking…


By Seth Gatchell | January 5, 2021

BELOVED January 5, 2021 We all chase after that elusive something. Is it romance, success, or who I’m becoming? Where is meaning? Through political correctness? Kids? Service? Hawaii? Gym? Why am I restless?   Is there one who knows the ugliest parts of you? Has seen the very worst of you and still is true?…

Merry Christmas Everyone

By Lance Brown | December 24, 2020

Hey Everyone! I know you’re busy getting everything ready for Christmas, but I just wanted to share what Linus told Charlie Brown, when Charlie Brown asked what Christmas was all about. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of…

Advent- JOY

By Sarah Cristiano | December 23, 2020

JOY Christmas is a joyful time for sure.  All the traditions and activities of bringing families together and spending time together make for warm memories and much joy.  But the joy that these things bring are fleeting and temporary.  There is a deeper joy that the first Christmas brought to the world. One of the…

Advent – PEACE

By Sarah Cristiano | December 14, 2020

PEACE by Michelle Sam, 12/6/20 Phillipians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. What does peace mean?   For some people and…

Advent – LOVE

By Carol Brown | December 12, 2020

“Jesus’ Love Looks Different” -Carol Brown Today is our 3rd Sunday of Advent, the season during which we anticipate the celebration of Christ’s first coming at Christmas and we long for his future coming in glory! Two weeks ago, Sarah shared with us about the HOPE we have in Christ. This hope is not a…