Staff Blog
UNTROUBLED? “In this world you will have trouble.” Well, Jesus, I certainly know about that! When troubles come I usually fall flat! “Let not your heart be troubled.” When troubles come in their course, Troubles troubling, my heart comes apart. First troubles come, then my troubled heart. Just like the cart comes after the…
We recently had our membership class and I was really struck by the very first paragraph in our membership book. It says; Most people live their entire lives without ever knowing “why?” They exist year after year with no idea of why they live or God’s purpose for their lives. The most basic question a…
Show no partiality
James 2:1 “My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.” James wrote this letter to a group of people who showed much partiality depending on another person’s ethnicity, wealth status, religious background, etc. What is partiality? It is also known as judgement, prejudice, favoritism,…
2 MEs
TWO ME’s July 6, 2021 When I look in my heart, I see two “MEs” at work. The old me, still alive, can act like such a jerk. Centered around my “needs,” without thought or intent, Committed to my “needs,” at any cost, “content.” Another “ME” I see, growing inside of me. A little Christ…
Investing in the Eternal
We life in a fast paced, self-centered world. Gratifying ourselves is not necessarily bad, after all God gave us our lives as a gift. However, it is far too easy, especially in our “post-Christian” culture, to buy into the world’s suggestion that “It’s really all about us and our people.” We just need to make…
Declutter your soul
A few years ago I watched a documentary called “Minimalism” which inspires people to declutter their homes. Every day we bring stuff into our homes but very rarely do we get rid of stuff, so our lives and homes become cluttered and that creates stress and disorder. So the concept of minimalism is to only…
FATHER A joy-filled, but hard task, Be a dad? Sacrifice. Of you, much will be asked. Live for self? Won’t suffice! Loving and living, Serving and sharing, Guiding and giving, Teaching and trying. Give them a model, How you love your wife. No room to be idle. Face problems in your life. …
Happiness vs Joy
We all want to be happy. In fact, if you ask the average person on the street, wanting to be happy and wanted our loved ones to be happy generally ranks pretty high on the list. The problem is that the Bible doesn’t really promise us happiness. There are tons of promises in God’s word,…
THE REDEMPTION OF THE FEMININE HEART (In honor of God and Mother’s Day) A thing of rare beauty, inside a woman’s heart. A jewel that invites you, to rest and be a part. An invitation, warm, receives you to her side, Sweet enjoyment found there, like warmth of fireside. Why does this…