Staff Blog

He Took Our Poison

By Seth Gatchell | September 13, 2022

In Kenya, at the Kejave Medical Center, eight-year-old named Monica broke her leg when falling into a pit. An older woman, Mama Njeri, came along and climbed into the pit to help get Monica out. Neither of them saw a poisonous black Mamba snake. The black mamba bit both Mama Njeri and Monica. Monica was…

The Woman at the Well

By Mark | August 23, 2022

An excerpt from our daily devotional. Please let us know if you would like to sign up to receive these in your email each week!   There is a hole in our lives so deep, a longing so great that can only be quenched by one thing. That is God himself. A hole that seems…

One Soldier

By Seth Gatchell | August 2, 2022

THE SOLDIER   August 2, 2022   The soldier loved gambling, the rolling of the dice, Breaks up monotony, though a fool’s paradise. “A God-forsaken land, a thousand miles from home, At discharge will I have post-traumatic syndrome?”   Punishment here, severe, death for two lousy thieves, Was the third one sentenced for just what…

Independence Day

By Seth Gatchell | July 5, 2022

July 4, 2022   Oh, Independence Day! Blessed Declaration! The law above a king, blessed separation! Unalienable rights, endowed by the Lord God. Truths that we will hold dear. The governed have the nod.   And for seven long years, a war of attrition. Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill, Concord and Lexington. Fort Ticonderoga, Trenton…

Talking to our Father

By Mark | June 25, 2022

It’s dangerously easy to approach prayer with the wrong mindset. We can easily assume it’s all about getting what we want or controlling our situations. It’s almost like God is a happiness vending machine or something. That’s backwards. In the first few months of His ministry, Jesus laid out a life-changing model for prayer. Matthew…

VBS wrap up

By Sarah Cristiano | June 18, 2022

We have just wrapped up one of the most FUN weeks of VBS! Spark Studios Vacation Bible School this year was all about learning that we are God’s masterpiece, created for a purpose! We had over 50 kids in attendance this week and I think it’s safe to say they all had a BLAST! We…


By Seth Gatchell | June 7, 2022

There is something in me, a restless scampering. My eyes, on frantic search for my heart’s pampering? From person to person my heart is on the hunt, Desperate to gain that for some pain I may blunt?   Does it depend on me to find what brings me peace? I fear that if that’s true,…

Practicing the virtues of Christ

By Allie Adams | June 1, 2022

We begin our journey with Jesus with salvation.  As wonderful and miraculous as that is, it is just the beginning.  What follows is an onward journey of sanctification – the process of spiritual formation, growth and maturity.  God does this work in us, confirming us to His character from the inside out.  However, it does…

To Fear or NOT to Fear

By Lance Brown | May 24, 2022

We all have fears that we live with everyday.  During the beginning of the COVID pandemic, I talked with a LOT of people about the fear of this virus that we knew virtually nothing about.  Was it going to be largely fatal?  Was it going to be highly communicable?  Was it going to be like…