Staff Blog


By Seth Gatchell | September 17, 2024

A child falls and scrapes his knee, scared as he sees blood! Hot tears stream down his face, turning into a flood. For comfort, he’ll naturally run to his mother. His soul will be strengthened when he runs to father.   A child is puzzled and doesn’t know what to do, To a parent he…


By Seth Gatchell | September 2, 2024

Satan’s magic box holds slyest tricks of his trade. A flute plays an intoxicating serenade. A mesmerizing image, perfect delusion, To get you to chase a deceptive illusion. The battles are waged in your imagination, Satan, oh so coy at building fascination. He plucks the violin strings of your affections, And lures you with deceiving…


By Seth Gatchell | August 13, 2024

Nicodemus, an Old Testament scholar, Came to Jesus, confused, a midnight caller.   “What the heck does it mean to be ‘born again?’ Wasn’t one birth enough on this earthly plain?”   Compared to the old life a man once knew, The new life in Christ, is like being made new!   A New Cleansing…


By Seth Gatchell | August 13, 2024

Sarcasm seemed so much fun when I was young, Everybody equipped with a holster and gun. My words, like a gunslinger or an old cowpoke, “What’s the matter with you, can’t you take a joke?”   With many years of practice at the “shooting range,” This gunslinger would win any gunfire exchange. Like Doc Holliday…


By Mark | July 24, 2024

Hey all! Don’t forget to check out the PCI Life Podcast. I’ve really enjoyed being able to have these conversations with Seth on a regular basis. We have been working on a series on Marriage where Seth has been sharing the wisdom he has been able to grow through reading the Bible, his experience with…

Temptation’s Redemption

By Seth Gatchell | July 16, 2024

Dealing with temptation, an everyday fight, It starts early morning, and lasts into the night, Daily grimy battles, like hand-to-hand combat, These life and death struggles, in my heart’s habitat.   Satan’s relentless lures enticing this or that, Creamed vanilla frosting covers a dead vile rat. “Relief! Feel better, now!” Bait, hooks, and lunacy. Sin’s…

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!

By Allie Adams | July 7, 2024

The 4th of July is always a reminder of how grateful we are for this country. The land of the free and the brave. Freedom is often taken for granted but we are keenly aware of the privilege of being free since we have experienced life without freedom. We are thankful for the men and…

American Heroes

By Seth Gatchell | July 2, 2024

(Celebrating Independence Day)   Monroe, Hancock, Knox, Jay, Franklin and Washington, Benjamin Rush, Sherman, Jefferson, Hamilton. Minutemen, patriots, Swamp Fox, Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Tea Party, Yorktown, Saratoga. –Seth


By Seth Gatchell | June 4, 2024

When I seek mountaintop joys as You, I pursue, Remind me it’s the valley floor where I will find You.   When I long for Your presence on high mountaintops, I’ll find You having coffee around local counter tops.   When I am angry over long unanswered prayers Use that passion to ignite Your love…