Listing of local CR meetings in Orange County
On the road of life, when you hit a speed bump, Celebrate Recovery is here to help you experience God’s healing and love for your hang-ups, habits, and hurts. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program that provides men and women a safe place to share their hurts, habits and hang-ups with others in an atmosphere of worship, community and scripture. Our prayer is that through this ministry you will be able to exchange the struggles in your life for the abundant life that Christ came to bring to us all.
No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you can never fully get past sinful behavior on your own… only through the grace and love of Jesus Christ is true recovery available to you. Our weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings are not designed as a “quick fix” for anyone. This isn’t therapy in the truest sense – it’s an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with others that may share some of the same challenges in life as you. Through our time together, studying both the Bible and the Christ-centered Celebrate Recovery materials, you will find that God DOES forgive your past and has a plan for your future.
It’s not necessary to sign up beforehand – simply take the first step by showing up and joining others on the wonderful road of recovery. Our Celebrate Recovery meetings are held on Tuesday each week. Dinner is served at 6:30pm and the Celebrate Recovery Large Group meeting is from 7:00-8:00pm with Small Group men’s and women’s meetings from 8:00-9:00pm.
A Brief History of Celebrate Recovery…
Celebrate Recovery began in 1991 at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. This ministry was a vision for Pastor John Baker, a recovering alcoholic who realized that secular 12-step programs didn’t provide the depth and focus on Christ that is needed for true recovery of body, mind and spirit. He approached Senior Pastor Rick Warren, through a now-famous 13-page, single spaced letter, with details of his vision and hope for this new recovery ministry. Pastor Rick promptly replied, “Great… do it!”. And with that, Celebrate Recovery took it’s first steps as a ministry to adult men and women with hurts, habits and hang-ups. Now, 17 years later, the outreach program that began at a single church in California is used in over 5500 churches world-wide, as well as a prison ministry called “CR Inside”.
What is Recovery?
In physical health, recovery refers to the process of moving from illness to wellness. Our hurts, habits and hang-ups are like an illness and using the tools of Celebrate Recovery we begin to move toward wholeness. Some might say from bondage to freedom in Christ. Others might say from self-reliance to faith in Christ.
Is Celebrate Recovery for me?
Celebrate Recovery offers a person the opportunity to participate in a group fellowship where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives. Ask yourself:
• Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others?
• Is there something I wish I could live without?
• Is it time to crack my denial and admit I am not in control of my life?
• Do I have a painful habit or hang-up from which I need to be freed?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then we urge you to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting to see if it is for you.
Does it cost anything to attend?
Pacific Church does not charge for this ministry. Free-will offerings will be received on Tuesday evenings to help cover the cost of the ministry.
Is Celebrate Recovery confidential?
Yes, Celebrate Recovery maintains strict confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and enables recovery. We have a saying that is repeated in every meeting :
• WHO you see here
• WHAT you hear here
• WHEN you leave here
• Hear! Hear!
We are diligent about confidentiality and anonymity. The CR Guidelines/Rules protect all of us from judgment and being “fixed”. In a “safe place” you can take off your “mask” and be real and honest without fear. You are 100% in control of when and how much you participate.
Do I have to be a member of Pacific Church of Irvine to attend?
No, Celebrate Recovery is a ministry for anyone who is interested in a Christ-centered recovery program that will enable them to recover from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. You will no doubt find attendees who are not members and/or do not attend Pacific Church of Irvine. We welcome you to join us, if you are looking for a home church. Sunday morning Worship begins at 9:30 a.m.
If you need more information…
Celebrate Recovery provides a safe, caring, Christian environment for each individual to come as they are and meet with fellow believers. We welcome you and encourage you to join us Tuesdays at 7pm.
If you would like to speak to someone about Celebrate Recovery, or your specific hurts, habits or hang-ups, please contact one of our CR Leaders or pastors and they will get in touch with you.
Mike W., CR Ministry Leader (949-981-9336)
Sherie S., CR T.E.A.M. Leader (949-651-8688)