Seth Gatchell

VBS Tuesday: Water Slide


Last year, the water slide was a HUGE hit! Have your kids bring a towel and change of clothes. They will get wet!

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*** Finances & Cars ***


Sunday, you heard me reference Dave Ramsey’s book on finances. Here is an interesting question he was asked about a car situation and getting out of debt. Unreliable car? Don’t think so! Dear Dave, My husband recently had his commissions cut in half at work. This has reduced our annual income from $100,000 to $50,000.…

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2 Corinthians 10:12 We do NOT dare to classify or COMPARE ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and COMPARE themselves with themselves, they are not wise. I swim at Nova Masters during lunch Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Virtually everyone there “seems” to be a Who’s Who of swimming. I…

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Suffering: Sunday’s Message


This Sunday, May 25, you will hear a message about suffering. * Why does God allow awful suffering? * Why doesn’t He alleviate my suffering? * Why does He seem so far away? * What does God actually do when we’re suffering? You’ll also hear a testimony from one of our members who endured awful…

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To Know and Be Known


There is something God-placed, deep in the heart of every person: the longing to know and be known. You were made to “know” others and for others to “know” you. Of course that means more than knowing your name, your family, and your career. It means to know the “real” you, the parts of your…

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Contentment is one of those things we always seem to be chasing, like attorneys chasing ambulances, except the attorneys apparently catch the ambulances! Philippians 4:11 “… I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Contentment doesn’t come “naturally” or “automatically” to the Christian. Even the great apostle Paul had to learn contentment. What comes…

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